Greetings friends and warm welcomes! We are now in our 3rd month of practice in the DuBois, Pa clinic and we are having a blast! Lots of new lives are being changed every week as people are discovering the simple health benefits of Upper Cervical Care. Recently, I've noticed a lot of people staring at me with the same blank look that says, "Is that it Doc? Is that all you do? That seemed to easy. . .too simple." Well, I'm not one to disappoint but the answer is YES! That's all we do! Sometimes, many times, it's the small, simple things in life that confound the big, complicated things. Afterall, everything big and complicated is made up of lots of small, well organized simple things doing their job simply, but accurately.
Life is no exception. We have trillions of simple, little cells: skin, lung, nails, hair, heart and NERVE cells (to name a few), that do a simple, designed task accurately. When all of the cells can do their similiar job harmoniously, the larger, "system" is now able to function efficiently. For example, lots of nerve cells doing what nerve cells do all together at the same time, in the same way allows for the "nervous system" to function as a whole. If the nervous system can function as a whole, then every other cell in the human body can begin to do their unique job, in harmony, thus allowing for the next "system" (respiratory, cardiovascular, circulation, digestion, etc...) to do their jobs efficiently. WHY? Because the nervous system controls and directs every cell, tissue and organ, ONLY IF the nervous system can function itself!
At Gibson Upper Cervical, we didn't write the manual on human physiology. We just pay attention to it. We know how the body is supposed to work, and when it doesn't, we know why. If the brain and body can communicate via the nervous system, then life is good and the body is at ease. If the brain and body cannot communicate due to a misalignment of the top vertebrae of the neck, chocking off the messages from the brain to the body, then the body suffers.
I'm growing to like seeing the look of "awe and wonder" as the simplicity of the Upper Cervical message is delivered. I'm beginning to like the "it's too easy" comments I hear on a day-to-day basis. And I really LOVE, as do the patients, the results they experience once their body is reconnected to their brain. It's that simple.
Gibson Upper Cervical
Restoring Hope. Renewing Health.
Simply put. Great job, Dr. Andy!