In my office, every day of the week, I see x-rays. Lots of x-rays. I see neck and low back films, MRI's, CT scans and did I mention x-rays? Some of these images come to me from other offices, some from the hospitals and some have been taken at my office. As I study the images, it's very apparent to me that YES, some of the people do have arthritis in their spines. Some of the people do not. BUT, what's most interesting, is that for the people that DO show signs of arthritic changes (spinal degeneration), the arthritis is NOT throughout the entire spine. WHAT? Ok, let's explore what I just said. Imagine you are looking at the film at the top of this post. Do you see how there are 7 vertebrae? (They are even numbered if you look real close!) This person is 40 yrs old. DO you see the 5th and 6th bones? They look like tree stumps almost don't they? THAT is athritis. SO, let me ask you this: If arthritis is due to aging, why at the ripe age of 40 is this person already showing arthritic changes to the spine? Is 40 old?! I sure hope not or in 6 years I'm next! OR, how bout this one: IF arthritis IS due to aging, why don't the other vertebrae also show signs of arthritis? After all, those bones belong to the same person.. . they are the same age therefore they should ALL be arthritic, right?
What's that? You say they don't look the same?? YOU ARE RIGHT! You just discovered what I'm talking about: arthritic changes in the spine (spinal degeneration) has absolutely nothing to do with age and EVERYTHING to do with injuries (called subluxations) that have never been corrected! The bones that are stumpy, bumpy and lumpy are the ones that were subluxated (injured) years ago and as a result of never being corrected, they now are wearing improperly, much like the tires wear on a car that isn't aligned!
What's vital to grasp is this: When the spine moves and functions as it was designed to do, the nerves that exit the spine can also function properly. When a vertebrae is subluxated (injured/misaligned) the nerves, ligaments and muscles related to that vertebrae also become compromised. This results in abnormal spinal biomechanics. If corrected early, the joint heals appropriately and functions correctly. If not, it heals incorrectly and the arthritis (abnormal wear and tear patterns, aka spinal degeneration) is set in motion. In essence, the aging process is accelerated at that joint. YUCK!
At Gibson Upper Cervical, we don't deal with arthritis: we work at preventing it altogether. Call today for your complimentary consultation: Together we can do great things! 814.371.7412