Hello friends! We are now well into this thing called 'practice' and I'm finding out there is a reason that clinical life is called practice: everyday there is room to grow and improve. This past month I've had the absolute honor of serving and seeing some amazing people. Time and time again, I am finding myself awestruck from one polar extreme to the other. Let me explain.
- A new patient comes into the office, usually from a personal referral and I get the opportunity to meet them for the first time. After looking over the initial paperwork and finding out why they came to see me (what is the health challenge), I am awestruck at the amount of suffering a person endures.
- I'm awestruck at the amount of money that has been spent on previous medical visits and prescriptions that have clearly not worked as 'promised.'
- I'm also awestruck at the amount of faith that is placed in the medical model (a.k.a the family doctor) when a health crisis arises. Having no other place to turn, the patient eventually ends up in my office on the suggestion of a friend.
- After a few precise x-rays, thermographic, posture and rang-of-motion exams, I'm awestruck at how a minute misalignment of the top neck bone (the atlas) produces devastating effects on human physiology.
- I'm awestruck at the profound impact a simple, precise upper cervical correction has on the patient who had "no hope."
Finally, I'm awestruck at the amazing intelligence of the body to correct horrible afflictions, once the upper neck is restored to a place of balance and brainstem pressure is removed.
Again and again and again. The same story is repeated with each new patient. Awe, shock, wonder, amazement. Repeat.
At Gibson Upper Cervical, we don't complicate the matter. We don't guess. We don't give you an 'experimental treatment.' We reproduce with exacting specificity the simple things. Why? So we can enjoy the feeling of being awestruck. .. . again.
Gibson Upper Cervical
Restoring Hope. Renewing Health.