23 Beaver Drive
DuBois, PA 15801

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Steps

Greetings friends!
As I watch my son learning to walk, it's becoming more clear to me that infants can teach us more than we could ever imagine. Patience . . . perseverance . . . how to exercise . . . the importance of proper nutrition, etc. He is now quite mobile and hard to pin down. But what is amazing is he decided at 9 months it was time to start standing and walking. His momma and I didn't coach him or give him a motivational story about walking. We didn't hold seminars on the importance of walking. There was no potion to rub on his weak legs to make then strong. HE simply knew and was determined to walk. As he fell and continues to fall. . . we let him get back up and try again knowing full well that he will fall again. . .and again. . .and again.
Many times, a new patient will come into the office and just like my son, they have a desire to accomplish a certain goal. My son wants to walk. The patient wants their health. A major difference exists though between the older, broken down adult and my younger resilient son: My son is determined to walk and doesn't even acknowledge that he falls over 40 times a day. He gets right back up and tries again. Every time he falls, he gets a little stronger, a little more coordinated and another taste at freedom. The patient, on the other hand, has tried a few new pills. . . a few new tests. . . maybe even tried having a few less parts. After each of those "falls", the patient gets less strong, a little less coordinated loses a little more of their freedom. One is a slave to growing independent; the other is a slave to growing dependent.
THE LESSON? Building health is just like learning to walk. Small steps everyday in the RIGHT direction, coupled with perseverance and the raw determination to succeed lead to BIG CHANGES. Walking is a natural process. Restoring health is also a natural process. My son is walking because he is taking steps in the right direction everyday. He didn't just "happen" to walk. He's designed to walk. At Gibson Upper Cervical, we take small steps everyday. Why? Because BIG CHANGES don't just happen. . . they are designed to.
